
Tuesday 25th October
Join Kerry London at Broker EXPO 2022

When: 10 November 2022   Where: Come and meet the team at Broker Expo 2022, on stand 112, Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry.     Kerry London Underwriting’s wholesale broking team are a powerful ally for retail brokers dealing with challenging markets or difficult-to-place risks.  The team has a wealth of wholesale broking experience and access to […]

Thursday 28th April
Wholesale brokers: Insuring challenging markets

Patrick Martin, Head of Kerry London Underwriting (KLU), discusses the value of using an experienced wholesale broker. Wholesale insurance brokers are a powerful ally for retail brokers dealing with challenging markets or difficult-to-place risks. Most wholesalers have access to specialty or niche insurances via the Lloyds of London insurance market, one of the world’s leading […]

Tuesday 16th March
Latent Defects Insurance Cover

If your clients are responsible for the construction of a single house, a housing estate, commercial property or business park, insurance against Latent Defects is vital. Latent Defect Insurance provides cover for the cost of remedying and rectifying damage arising from faults in design, construction, installation, workmanship, materials and overall supervision.  It also normally covers […]

Tuesday 16th March
Right to Light Insurance

Right to Light insurance has been designed to protect builders and developers from claims made by neighbours who believe they have had their amount of natural light reduced as a result of a development.   Whether your client is a developer or simply a landowner, Right to Light insurance is a vital policy to have in place. Even on single developments the compensation […]

Tuesday 18th August
New Government Fund for Struggling Media Productions

Oliver Dowden, Minister for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, have announced a £500m Government fund to support UK film and TV productions that are struggling to secure insurance related to COVID-19. John McVay, Chief Executive of Pact, the trade association representing commercial interests of independent UK media companies, […]

mirrored Lloyd's of London building
Friday 14th August
Lloyd’s Underwriting Room to Reopen

On 1st September Lloyd’s will be reopening their Underwriting Room. To facilitate safe interactions Lloyd’s is introducing new policies and procedures, which can be found on the Lloyd’s website. As well as reopening the room, Lloyd’s will be launching an online virtual room on the same day. Lloyd’s say this online space will “combine the […]

Lloyd's of London building outside
Tuesday 28th April
Covid-19 Lockdown Update

Kerry London Underwriting continues to serve our brokers and policyholders during this difficult time. The team remain in contact with all our underwriters to ensure we still provide you with a first-class service. During this period, we are monitoring the recommendations from the government and health authorities to ensure our employees and brokers remain safe. […]

Monday 25th November
Insurance for Sports and Leisure

At Kerry London Underwriting, we provide specialist cover for sports and leisure facilities and have been doing so for many years.
Sport is something close to our heart, having relationships with a good number of leading sports institutions such as the Professional Cricketers Association and the Football League Managers’ Association […]

Friday 6th September
Business interruption insurance and your fantasy football update

We think business interruption insurance (BI) is one of the most important covers a business can take out. After all, you just never know when disaster may strike. As you will know, BI protects a business’s trading position while it’s out of action due to a serious incident, like a fire or flood. It can happen to […]

Thursday 8th August
Kerry London Underwriting Fantasy Premier League Competition 2019/20

Well it’s that time again. After what feels like a mere two-week break, the Premier League returns on Friday night.  For some it’s been away too long, for others its return provides unbridled misery.  Wherever you stand on the scale of excitement to dread, why not adopt the much-used cliche; if you can’t beat them, […]